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Sleep Apnea: Does It Ever Really Go Away?

January 21, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — covingtonsleep @ 2:26 pm
Man on side snoring, irritated wife in background

When you have sleep apnea, there are a number of ways you can try and improve the quality of your rest, such as by getting an oral appliance from your sleep dentist in Covington. However, just because the symptoms have been treated doesn’t mean that the underlying causes of your disorder have been dealt with. Can sleep apnea ever truly go away? This post will help you learn more about what leads to the condition and whether you can expect to get rid of these issues completely.

What Causes Sleep Apnea?

The most common form of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea. It occurs when any part of the airway collapses and blocks airflow to the lungs. Common causes include a deviated nasal septum, enlarged turbinates in the nose, a floppy soft palate, enlarged tonsils or adenoids, or a tongue that falls backwards during sleep. In other words, sleep apnea is often tied to your anatomy. Even the lining of the airway itself could be obstructive if it becomes swollen due to the vibrations of snoring. In many cases, obesity can make sleep apnea worse, especially if it leads to a larger neck. Other risk factors include sleeping on your back (thus allowing the tongue to fall back on the airway), drinking alcohol right before bed, and smoking.

Will Sleep Apnea Ever Go Away?

Sleep apnea is generally a chronic condition that will not go away without intervention. Your overall anatomy is largely fixed once you’re out of the adolescent stage. Children can sometimes grow out of their sleep apnea, and in many cases the removal of tonsils and adenoids can go a long way towards stopping the disorder.

For adults, getting rid of sleep apnea generally isn’t an option without surgery. However, if you familiarize yourself with the risk factors that are contributing to your disorder, you can reduce the severity (and sometimes the presence) of the problem.

 What Changes Can You Make to Improve Sleep Apnea?

Everyone is in a unique situation, so the best method for dealing with sleep apnea in Covington will vary from person to person. Below are a few examples of changes you might be able to make to improve your breathing during the night:

  • Losing weight can reduce the pressure placed on the throat by excess tissue.
  • Targeted exercise can tone the muscles around the airway so that they’re less likely to collapse.
  • Sleeping on your side instead of your back can help keep the airway clear as the tongue won’t fall back towards the throat.
  • Staying away from alcohol before bed can improve the quality of your sleep in general.
  • Give up smoking as soon as possible.

 By making the above changes in addition to receiving treatment from a sleep dentist, you can reduce the presence of sleep apnea in your life so that you can go to bed and wake up feeling refreshed every morning.

About the Author

Dr. Stephen Dean studied dentistry at the Medical University of South Carolina and furthered his education at the Dawson Academy and Pankey Institute. He is passionate about treating sleep apnea and has completed numerous training courses to improve his expertise in the subject. If you need sleep apnea treatment, you can schedule a consultation at the Covington Sleep Center by visiting his website or calling (770) 710-5268.

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